Dealing with your insurance company in the aftermath of a severe weather event can feel like getting struck by lightning twice. Atlanta Expert Roofing Solutions has the expertise and experience to assist with your Roofing related insurance claim. From the damage inspection phase through the completion/reimbursement, we will assist you every step of the way. We boast an extremely high approval rating, and never call in claims that are not legitimate. We'll guide you through the insurance recovery process and work directly with your insurance company to minimize your out of pocket expenses.
Why Is An Inspection So Important?
Part of filing your claim is getting a roof inspection done.
When you hire us to inspect your roof one of our pros will:
- Utilize satellite imagery to take
accurate and thorough measurements. - Identify storm related damages and
assist with filing your claim. - Meet and negotiate with your insurance
adjuster to maximize your recoverable
proceeds and minimize out of pocket. - Replace your roof with high quality
materials and install an upgraded
leak barrier around the chimney and
exposures as an added measure to
prevent future leaks from occurring. - Guarantee the roof with a
50 year manufactured-backed/one time transferable warranty.